Today in History ...
1962 - United States President Kennedy went on radio and television to inform his nation about his order to send United States forces to blockade Cuba.
1986 - United States President Ronald Reagan signed the Tax Reform Act of 1986 backwards, writing his last name first. The signing is still legal.
1997 - For the first time, United States inspectors discovered E. coli bacteria in imported Canadian beef, halting shipments of 34,000 pounds.
Fun Facts ...
Winston Churchill named his country home Cosy Pig, although it was formally known as Chartwell.
In 1615, the English explorer William Baffin penetrated to within 800 miles of the North Pole. For the next 250 years, no one else got nearer.
The standard pitching distance in the game of horseshoes is 40 feet for men and 30 feet for women and juniors.
Did you know the popular phrase "The blind leading the blind" comes from the New Testament, Matthew 15:14.
Did you know that french toast isn't French. It comes from a Roman cookbook, dating back to 1000 or 2000 B.C. and titled "Apicius on Cooking."
Did you know a male baboon can kill a leopard.